Gas Safety and Compliance
The safety of your tenants is our number one priority. That’s why Guardian Smoke Alarms are now providing Gas Safety and Compliance as part of our holistic service offering. Carbon Monoxide poisoning from unchecked gas appliances has the potential to cause death or serious harm to those who are exposed, making it crucial to ensure your residence or properties are safe for occupants. Gas appliances also require regular, comprehensive servicing, which can be demanding and time consuming. Instead, let our qualified team handle it, so you can rest assured your building is safe. We will alert you if there is a need for replacement or repair by using our expert eye to determine if there are any faults or risks of a leak.
Our Gas Safety and Compliance service should be carried out once every two years and includes:
Safety and compliance checks of all gas fittings, supervised by a registered ‘Type A servicing’ gas fitter and includes a maintenance check, a safety and spillage check (where applicable), a negative pressure test and carbon monoxide analyser
A safety and compliance report issued digitally after each scheduled service is complete
Gas tightness and pressure retention test of main gas line into your property
This service applies to gas appliances supplied by you at the property and expressly excludes any appliances supplied by a residing tenant. Applicable appliances include (but are not limited to):

Free Standing Oven
Wall Oven
Hot Water Continuous Flow System
Wall Furnace
Contact us for a comprehensive list of all services.
Prices from $250* + GST
*for one gas appliance