Electrical Safety and Compliance
Did you know that from January 2021, electrical safety checks will be mandatory in residential properties every two years? Make sure you’re prepared for this change in regulation with Guardian Smoke Alarm’s Electrical Safety and Compliance service. As a landlord, employer or home owner, you must be able to ensure the safety of your tenants, employees or family. Therefore, it is critical to be aware of any potential hazards, such as electrical fires or malfunctioning appliances, and minimise these risks accordingly. Our expert team can conduct safety and compliance checks for any and all electrical equipment to give you the confidence you need to maintain a safe living and/or working environment, as well as advise on any necessary updates or repairs.
Our Electrical Safety and Compliance service should be carried out every two years and includes (but is not limited to):
Safety and compliance checks of all electrical installations, fittings and appliances supervised by a qualified electrician
A safety and compliance report issued digitally after each scheduled service is complete
A thorough switchboard inspection which includes a condition and safety check, safety switch test and an insulation test
A thorough inspection of all accessible powerpoints, including an RCD test, earth loop test and polarity test
A thorough safety inspection of your property’s electrical appliances, included damage assessment of plugs, leads and casings
Prices start from $300 + GST
This service applies to electric appliances supplied by you at the property and expressly excludes solar installations and/or any appliances supplied by a residing tenant. Applicable appliances include:

Electric Oven
Electric Heaters and Air Conditioners
Electric Hot Plates and Range Hoods
Electric Hot Water Units
Our Guarantee:
Each property that receives a Scheduled Electrical Service will be provided, at no extra cost to the owner for the following 12 months after the service, guaranteed services of:
Please note: All electrical installations, fittings and appliances MUST be accessible to be eligible for inclusion in the Scheduled Electrical Service. In these terms, installations, fittings and appliances that are under the house or property, in or on the roof, obscured by heavy objects that may risk damage to floors or surfaces if moved, hard wired (such as ovens) or above a certain height will NOT be included in the Scheduled Electrical Service.